About Me

Hi there!

My name is Sonya E Barker, LMT. I graduated from Stark State College with an Associates of Applied Sciences in Massage Therapy in May 2022. I have since begun my journey to becoming a Myofascial Release professional, attending the John F Barnes Fascial-Pelvis Myofascial Release seminar in September 2022 and Myofascial Release I seminar in March 2023.

My healing journey began as a child. I had felt there was something more to life, and had a deep connection to animals and plants. My mother will often tell the tale of when I was about 5 years old, finding me on our back porch where I was sitting, holding a wild sparrow, just talking away and petting him. Later in life, I became the person my friends and family would come to for advice or for support in troublesome times. I could feel their feelings very deeply and where in the body they were experiencing tension, without touching them. At first, this ability made me insecure, and so, I buried that feeling for many years and disassociated from even my own feelings and bodily awareness. 

However, I was reawakened to my abilities during my pregnancy with my son. I was hyper attuned to not only my own body, but his growing as well. This awareness spiraled out into my surrounding environment and I again came back into synergy with nature and the ecosystem, just as when I was a child. After my son's birth, I began exploring modalities of energy work and found the system that called to my heart was Integrated Energy Therapy. I became a Level 2 IET Practitioner in 2019. Gaining this knowledge and attunement with practicing IET had a profound effect on my life, and I went in search of more ways I could help people gain awareness of their body, mind and soul. 

This then lead me to Massage Therapy and Myofascial Release, wherein both programs had the same basic knowledge of the body's workings and relayed, again, how we can store emotions, and physical and emotional traumas within the tissues of the body. Everything came together! All three of the modalities I had chosen to pursue were just pieces of a bigger puzzle that work together to heal the body, mind and soul. And so, Intuitive Bodyworks was born! 

I am honored to be a part of your healing and wellness journey! 


Sonya E Barker, LMT